Minks Bazaar was born during the dreaded lockdown of 2019. Being given so much spare time in my home, with just me and my project manager (Mitz the three legged cat) I began redecorating and renovating my home. I was bored with looking at furniture that has been seen time and time again. I wanted to look around me and see something interesting, something precious. Being unable to afford any Chippendale pieces, I began to make something of my own. I shared a few pieces online, and people wanted to buy them; Minks Bazaar was born.


My inspirations are wide ranging. I'm not religious, but I can't walk past an open church without a visit. In most churches, every corner, every edge, the windows, the ceiling, and the floors, all are exceptionally beautiful, nothing is left untouched.

I've also explored many abandoned buildings and can't help but love the ghostly, peaceful feeling of what once was. The once precious furniture, left to collect dust but still looking beautiful. I take great inspiration from the forgotten and found look, I want my pieces to tell a story, to make you wonder, never boring, always intriguing. 


I look at furniture and architecture of previous decades and see it is solidly constructed, with amazing attention to detail. So I think, why not turn the mundane into the magnificent? Marry fine art and skilled craft, so that our everyday routines are performed in an aesthetically rewarding setting.

Furniture has to be functional. But It can also be fine art, art you live with, art you keep your stuff in, art you park your bum on, art you eat your dinner off of, art you gather around and enjoy a drink in its company.

As for my other work, when I’m not covered in gold leaf, glue and deciding which gauge sanding grit is best. I spend my time visiting different countries working as an open water swim guide and practicing free diving. This has enabled me to gather inspiration from different cultures (and oh so many, many churches!) and the time I spend underwater I’m most likely dreaming up the next Minks Bazaar piece…